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Female Urinary Incontinence

Female Urinary Incontinence

Do You Struggle With Your Bladder? You’re Not Alone!

When it comes to your feminine health, it’s safe to say that you’ve certainly gone to enough gynecologist’s appointments to know your anatomy inside and out. But what about your bladder? Could you really say that after all these years, you’ve come to understand why you’re frequently running to the bathroom? Or why actions like laughing, crying, bending, or lifting cause you to experience accidents or leaking? If this sounds like something you’re familiar with, let us first begin by reminding you that you’re certainly not alone. This is called, “female urinary incontinence.” If you’ve never heard of that phrase before, that’s okay! This blog is here to tell you everything that you need to know, so that you can fix those issues.

What Is Urinary Incontinence?

More than 38 percent of women in the United States experience urinary incontinence, which refers to any involuntary leakage of urine. The University of California San Francisco defines urinary incontinence as “loss of urine that is associated with a sudden, strong desire to urinate that cannot be postponed. Other symptoms include a need to urinate frequently and waking often during the night to urinate.” In other words, if you’ve experienced these symptoms, then it’s highly likely that you’ve got an overactive bladder.
Remember, incontinence isn’t something that’s inevitable. Perhaps you’ve been told your whole life that as you begin to age, you simply lose control of your bladder. While this is a common misconception – it’s simply not entirely true!

How Pelvic Laser Institute Can Help

Fortunately, you can reclaim your quality of life with a leading range of simple and proven treatment solutions at here at Pelvic Laser Institute of Florida. Our dedicated team are specifically trained to treat female urinary incontinence with a wide variety of treatments and strategies.
We understand just how difficult it can be to deal with an overactive bladder, which is why we strive each and every day to bring compassionate care to our patients, so that they can promote their own urinary health and begin to ease those frustrating symptoms.
Are you interested in learning more about how Pelvic Laser Institute of Florida can help you free yourself from female urinary incontinence? If so, contact us today and let’s schedule a consultation. We’d love to help.


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